Thomas laude
French researcher
Place: Rodez (Aveyron, France)
Past collaborators:
¤ Air liquide group
¤ Teijin Limited, Polymer institute, Iwakuni Japan
¤ National Institute for Materials Science Advanced Materials Labs (Dr. Y. Matsui's group), Tsukuba
¤ Ecole Centrale Paris, Lab MSS-Mat (Prof. B. Jouffrey's group)
¤ University of Tsukuba (Japan), applied physics department (Pr. K.I. Ohshima'sgroup)
Doctorate: University of Tsukuba (Japan), and Ecole Centrale Paris (BN Nanotubes)
Languages: French (Mother tongue), English, Japanese
Contact: Please e-mail me (address below).
Major publications
- Electrolysis of LiOH for hydrogen supply, international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 585–588
- Fine modulations in the diffraction pattern of BN nanotubes produced by non-ablative laser heating, T. Laude, and Y. Matsui, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 28, 293-300 (2004)
- Non-uniformity of temperatures along nanotubes in reactors and axial growth, T. Laude, and Y. Matsui, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 28, 173-178 (2004)
- Diffusion-controlled kinetics of carbon nanotube forest growth by chemical vapor deposition, O. Louchev, T. Laude, Y. Sato, and H. Kanda, J. Chem. Phys., 118, 16, 7622-7634 (2003)
- Long ropes of boron nitride nanotubes grown by a continuous laser heating, T. Laude, Y. Matsui, A. Marraud, and B. Jouffrey, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 22, 3239 (2000)
- FeCl2-CVD production of carbon fibres with graphene layers nearly perpendicular to axis, T. Laude, H. Kuwahara and K. Sato, Chemical Physics Letters 434 (2007) 78–81
PhD Thesis:
- ムスターシュ繊維センイ又マタびその製造セイゾウ方法ホウホウ, Thomas Laude,桑原クワハラ広明ヒロアキ、佐藤サトウ和カズ彦ヒコ、特願2004-335979(出願日:平成16年11月19日)帝人テイジン株式カブシキ会社カイシャ
- カーボンナノチューブ又マタびその製造セイゾウ方法ホウホウ, Thomas Laude,桑原クワハラ広明ヒロアキ、鈴木啓高、特願2004-173782(出願日:平成16年6月11日)帝人テイジン株式カブシキ会カイ社
- カスケード式シキに接続セツゾクされた選択的センタクテキポンプ群グンを備ソナえる化学カガク気キ相ソウ蒸着ジョウチャク装置ソウチと、カスケード式シキに接続セツゾクされた選択的センタクテキポンプ群グンのモニター装置ソウチ, Thomas Laude,桑原クワハラ広明ヒロアキ、松村マツムラ俊一シュンイチ、特願2004-060133(出願日:平成16年3月4日)帝人テイジン株式カブシキ会カイ社
- カーボンナノチューブ又マタびその製造セイゾウ方法ホウホウおよび精製セイセイ方法ホウホウ,河村カワムラ正昭マサアキ、佐藤和彦、新田ニッタ英昭ヒデアキ、Thomas Laude,特願2003-344380(出願日:平成15年10月2日)帝人テイジン株式カブシキ会カイ社
- "Procédé d'élaboration de nanostructures à partir de composés se présentant sous une forme cristalline hexagonale, nanostructures obtenues et leurs applications", (Procedure to elaborate nano-structures from compounds of hexagonal form, obtained nano-structures and applications), T. Laude, B. Jouffrey, and A. Marraud. Patent n° 99 13532 submitted in France by the CNRS (28 oct. 1999) Extended to International Patent (file PCT/FR00/03029 submitted on 30 oct. 2000).
- FeCl2 as catalyst in nanotube CVD synthesis Thomas Laude, Masayuki Chokai, Hirotaka Suzuki, Susumu Honda, Hiroaki Kuwahara, Kazuhiko Sato, Shunichi Matsumura、第ダイ27フラーレン・ナノチューブ総合ソウゴウシンポジウム、平成ヘイセイ16年ネン7月ガツ28-30日ニチ、東京トウキョウ
- Boron nitride nano-tubes grown by non-ablative laser heating: Synthesis, characterisation and growth processes, Thomas Laude, Yoshio Matsui, Alain Marraud, Oleg Loutchev, and Bernard Jouffrey, Australian Workshop on Nanotubes and Fullerenes, 3-4 May 2001 Canberra
- BN ropes and nanotubes: Elaboration and mechanical behaviour, T. Laude, B. Jouffrey, S. Gevrey, and A. Marraud, EUREM July 9-14, 2000
- Recent results on C and BN nanostructures, Jouffrey B., Laude T., Hamon A.L., Marraud A., International Kunming Symposium on Microscopy, Kunming, Chine, 2-5 juillet 2000
- Etude d'empilements de nanotubes de carbone en microscopie Electronique en transmission, Hamon A.-L., Bai J.B., Gevrey S., Jouffrey B., Laude T., Marraud A., Souche C., third Coll. SFmu Paris Sud 99, 28 juin-2 juillet 1999
- Study of carbon nanotubes ropes, advancement in boron nitride nanostructures production, Jouffrey B., Hamon A.-L., Marraud A., Hebert-Souche C., Gevrey S., Laude T., Xth conference on Electron Microscopy of Solids, Warsawa-Popowo, 20-23 septembre 1999
- Preparation and structure analysis of an ultra-hard cubic C3N4 predicted by a first principle calculation, S. Horiuchi, T. Ishigashi, T. Laude, and Y.G. Peng, NIRIM International Symposium on advanced materials (ISAM) 1999
- Electrical arc-discharge and laser ablation: two appropriate C and BN nanostructures synthesis methods, Hamon A.-L., Laude T., Souche C., Marraud A., Jouffrey B., Journet C., Bernier P., 14th Intern. Cong. on Electron Microscopy, Cancun, 31 august-4 september 1998. in Electron Microscopy 1998, III, 103-104
- On EELS anisotropy problem in nanostructures: application to boron nitride, Jouffrey B., Souche C., Laude T., Hamon A.L., Marraud A., 5th NIRIM Intern. Symp. on Advanced Materials, Tsukuba, 1-5 mars 1998.
- Nano-objets : un exemple, les nanotubes., B. Joufrey, A. Marraud, AL. Hamon, T. Laude, JB. Bai, "Centraliens" 523, 12-15, fev. 2001
- Elaboration et observation de nanostructures anisotropes (C et BN) en vue de l'étude de leurs propriétés mécaniques, Hamon A.L., Souche C., Laude T., Marraud A, Jouffrey B., Réseau Francilien de microscopie électronique, Paris 28 jan 1998
- Elaboration de nanostructures de BN à partir d'un chauffage laser CO2: étude de nanotubes, cordes et rubans, Laude T., Joufrey B., Gevrey S., Marraud A., 2ieme colloque GRD nanotubes, Strasbourg, 2-5 Novembre 1999
- Carbon and boron nitride nanostructures study, AL. Hamon, T. Laude, JB. Bai, A. Marraud, B. Jouffrey, NANOS 2000, Odeillo, 25-28 jan 2000
- Elaboration et observation de nanostructures anisotropes (C et BN) en vue de l'étude de leurs propriétés mécaniques, Hamon A.L., Souche C., Laude T., Marraud A, Jouffrey B., Réseau Francilien de microscopie électronique, Paris 28 jan 1998
- Elaboration de nanostructures de BN à partir d'un chauffage laser CO2: étude de nanotubes, cordes et rubans, Laude T., Joufrey B., Gevrey S., Marraud A., 2ieme colloque GRD nanotubes, Strasbourg, 2-5 Novembre 1999