Thomas Laude's pages - Science de la matière et de l'énergie

Thomas laude

French researcher

Place: Rodez (Aveyron, France)

Past collaborators:

¤ Air liquide group

¤ Teijin Limited, Polymer institute, Iwakuni Japan

¤ National Institute for Materials Science Advanced Materials Labs (Dr. Y. Matsui's group), Tsukuba

¤ Ecole Centrale Paris, Lab MSS-Mat (Prof. B. Jouffrey's group)

¤ University of Tsukuba (Japan), applied physics department (Pr. K.I. Ohshima'sgroup)

Doctorate: University of Tsukuba (Japan), and Ecole Centrale Paris (BN Nanotubes)

Languages: French (Mother tongue), English, Japanese

Contact: Please e-mail me (address below).

Major publications

PhD Thesis:



To contact me: (Remove ABC, it is against spam.)
The material present here is copyrighted. Key-words: nanotechnology, science, nanotubes.

Birth of the site: August 1999!

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